What Are ISO Certifications?

ISO Standards are a combination of criteria and structure combined to help offer guidance, coordination and simplified processes for businesses & organisations who are looking to become more efficient, reduce their environmental impact or streamline production and lower operating costs.

More businesses are integrating ISO standards into their business models & processes as they standardise operations and make a business overall more productive.

Another key reason businesses are seeking ISO certification is it is a unique selling point and many large corporations seek ISO certified businesses if they are looking to tender for business opportunities.

With several different certifications, tailored to provide different specifications & guidelines there is an ISO certification to suit every business industry with key certifications now being used by businesses as a USP and showing customers & stakeholders that your business is tested, monitored, trustworthy & reliable.

How ISO Certifications Can Help a Business​

There are many proven ways in which an ISO standard can help improve & grow a business.

Whether you’re implementing an ISO 9001 certification to help improve your businesses products & services or want to reduce your carbon footprint and become more environmentally conscious by introducing an ISO 14001 standard within your organisation.

At Jeff Ayres & Associates we also specialise in Integrated Management Systems which offer a combination of certifications to provide a wider benefit to your business.

Confirming too internationally recognised ISO standards demonstrates to stakeholders & customers that a business follows guidelines and takes quality, environmental matters & customer requirements seriously.

Most popular ISO Standards

There are many different ISO Standards all of which work to different guidelines and provide different benefits to businesses.

Here are some of the key ISO Certifications that can be used to help your business.

ISO 9001 Quality Management

ISO 9001 is focused on quality management and is aimed at structuring, streamlining and improving the quality of businesses processes, procurement, production & distribution as well as an array of other key business procedures.

Currently, there are over 1 million businesses throughout over 170 countries that have been ISO 9001 certified.

At Jeff Ayres & Associates we provide planning, structure and the implementation & certification is ISO 9001 certifications.

ISO 14001 - Environmental Management Systems

The fundamentals of ISO 14001 is to improve the environmental performance of a business.

The certification requires benchmarking & audits to understand the current environmental impact of a company and an objective needs to be set to ensure the business is focussing on & making the required improvements.

As of ISO’s last survey in 2019, there were over 300,000 certified businesses throughout 196 countries, with over just shy of 11,500 being based in the United Kingdom.

ISO 27001 - Information Security Management

With the changes to the world and businesses throughout 2020/2021 and more companies allowing staff to work from home, information security & data management have never been more prevalent within the workplace.

ISO 27001 helps manage the security of data such as company finances, customer information, GDPR requirements & employee data.

As of 2019, there were over 2,800 individual businesses that had undertaken a certification for ISO 27001. We believe in the next survey, this number will be much larger due to the demand for increased data security within the workplace.

ISO 45001 - Occupational Health & Safety

Occupational Health & Safety is about reducing the risk of hazards & accidents within the workplace.

It sets a framework for employee safety, undertaking the correct safety procedures within the workplace & the management and handling of workplace tasks to reduce the risk of injury.


  • Cost Savings –An ISO standard can make your business more efficient, helping reduce operating and production costs.
  • Improve customer satisfaction –You can improve customer satisfaction by improving product quality and customer service.
  • Environmental Benefits –An ISO standard can help your business conform to the latest environmental standards.
  • International benefits-Gain market access across the world.

To find out more about the economic benefits of ISO standards have a look at the latest Facts sheet produced by ISO. VIEW FACT SHEET